Monday, 24 March 2008

Did you see that?

The Biggest Explosion So Far!!!!

I meant to pick up on this almost insignificantly small and yet potentially large report gleaned from my newspaper of yesterdayAstronomers have revealed that they have recorded evidence of the most powerful explosion EVER seen in the Universe so far.

This gigantic gamma ray blast - caused by a star collapsing and forming a black hole - occurred seven and a half BILLION YEARS ago, long before the Earth was even formed! But only now has evidence of that enormous flash of light - visible here to the naked eye - reached us.In NASA’s scientific descriptive words a spokesperson said:

"This was a whopper!"

But lets think on a little here. That star MAY have had an Earth-like planet in orbit around it. Maybe that planet had born the fruits of life. It may even have been populated - at some time in the past - by INTELLIGENT beings!

So I think that on this Easter Day we should offer up thoughts for these billions of possible deaths and ask that they Rest In Peace.

Yet one more nail in the creationists coffin.

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Mansfield, United Kingdom
I am over 79. Up to a couple of years ago I'd have described myself as fit and decisive. Now I'm not so sure. I am into DIY. If my wife asks me to do something I say; "Do It Yourself".....Click on my Older Posts for more reading. Or try: