Thursday, 15 May 2008

ET Phone Rome.

I came across this little gem in my SUN today.

The gist is that the Vatican is now prepared to admit that there may be other life in outer space besides that life existing on Earth.

The Pope's astronomer, Father Jose Gabriel Funes, has admitted that God may have created extra-terrestrials.

I cannot for the life of me recall reading anything in the holy books about there being other life on other worlds out there in the universe. God is supposed to have created the heavens and the Earth and all life therein but there is no mention of creating life thereout! Come to think of it, there is not even a mention in the holy book of any planets being created by God.

Jose adds, "It is possible even if - until now - we have no proof. If we consider some Earthly creatures as; 'brothers or sisters', why could we not speak of 'Brother Alien?' He/it would also belong to creation."

You don't think that the Catholics - in the light of 
TV programs around SETI and the possibility that may lead to the discovering extraterrestrials -  may be covering themselves, do you?

It would be be wonderful to discover the existence of intelligent life out there and even more wonderful to discover that not ONE of their TV shows have religion as the subject. I would be the first to sing hallelujah to that.

So there you have it. After centuries of believing that the Earth was not only flat but at the centre of THE UNIVERSE and that THE INQUISITION and other forms of PERSECUTION of non-conformists et al, was a complete and utter waste of lives and time - the Catholics could now be conceding that we may not be alone after all!

May your alien god go with you.


Unknown said...

Imposing religious views on others, and even killing in the name of dogmas, has been the biggest disservice to human progress by organized creeds.

White Charcoal said...

So very true. MAN seems to want to take over the mantle of his GOD.

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Mansfield, United Kingdom
I am over 79. Up to a couple of years ago I'd have described myself as fit and decisive. Now I'm not so sure. I am into DIY. If my wife asks me to do something I say; "Do It Yourself".....Click on my Older Posts for more reading. Or try: