In Whom Do We Put Our Trust?
Heartbreaking news.
Heartbreaking news.
01.12.07 UK. Lord Mayor Lawrence Bailey, 52 has been discovered with 50,000 porn snaps - many of them hardcore - on his official cumputers. Married Mr Bailey - Labour Leader of Swansea Council - was also discovered to have written to local newspapers using aliases.
29.11.07 UK. Damning DNA evidence that in 1998 linked rapist John White, 43, to an attack on a 30 year old student nurse was LOST by police for EIGHT YEARS. The father of two, who's details were faxed to detectives who promptly lost the evidence, had admitted to two more rapes in 1994. Trial continues.
28.11.07 All the Orthodox Church priests on the holiday island of Cyprus have been ordered to pray at mass for rain this coming Sunday. The initiative has been taken by the church leaders to end the island's drought. (Watch this space).
27.11.07 Vicar Paul Battersby, 58, who admitted three counts of downloading vile and brutal child pornography was shopped to police by his wife. The filthy porn, which include a clip of a 10 year old girl being bound and raped, was discovered on Reverend Battersby's computer by his stepson who told his mother. The vicar of Saint Ambrose Church, Leyland, Lancashire UK, is expected to be given 10 year jail when sentenced in January 2008.29.11.07 UK. Damning DNA evidence that in 1998 linked rapist John White, 43, to an attack on a 30 year old student nurse was LOST by police for EIGHT YEARS. The father of two, who's details were faxed to detectives who promptly lost the evidence, had admitted to two more rapes in 1994. Trial continues.
28.11.07 All the Orthodox Church priests on the holiday island of Cyprus have been ordered to pray at mass for rain this coming Sunday. The initiative has been taken by the church leaders to end the island's drought. (Watch this space).
21.11.07 The British Government (HMS Revenue and Customs) have LOST two computer discs
containing personal details of 25,000,000 UK residents. Data includes names and addresses, dates of birth, national insurance numbers, banking and building society details. The discs went missing when sent 250 miles by insecure post. Double Doh!
15.11.07 Grandma Patricia Prowse, 78, died in Derriford Hospital, Plymouth when nurses there lost vital medicine notes that had been written on post-it-stickers and paper towels.

15.11.07 Grandma Patricia Prowse, 78, died in Derriford Hospital, Plymouth when nurses there lost vital medicine notes that had been written on post-it-stickers and paper towels.
Patricia, who'd been admitted to the hospital for minor op on her shin, went without vital anti-clotting drugs for THREE days. The hospital has apologised to the family.
14.11.07 Miss Seduces Pupil. Attractive 28 year old English teacher Jo Gorman has been suspended and cautioned for having full sex with one of her 16 year old pupils. It is alleged that the pair exchanged phone pictures of each other.
14.11.07 A father who thought his two sons, aged 10 and 7, were possessed by the Devil fastened their top and bottom lips together with safety pins. The Nigerian born churchgoer, aged 47, also cut their tongs with a scalpel to bleed them. Clothes pegs and pliers were also used on the boy's tongues. The father, from Bradford, West Yorkshire, denies unlawful wounding and cruelty. His wife of 41, also denies cruelty.
14.11.07 UK. 5,000 illegal immigrants have been cleared to work as security staff in airports and seaports. DOH!
14.11.07 Oxford University - having studied data going back as far as 1970 to discover the effects that binge drinking might have on unborn babies - have just released their findings. They indicate that the occasional bout of heavy drinking will NOT affect the unborn child. Eh!?
14.11.07 Nurse Nobantu Dlayiya, 61, who didn't know what ASPIRIN was ignored her bosses at a care home and gave the wrong doses to her elderly patients. The Nursing and Medical Council hearing found the South African guilty of misconduct but say she may be allowed to cotinue as they saw “tangible improvement.”
13.11.07 Childminder Keran Henderson 42 was jailed for three years today for shaking a tot in her care so violently that she was blinded and suffered fatal brain damage. Henderson - wife of an ex-policeman and regarded as a pillar of the community who ran local Beaver and Scout groups and cared for up to eight kids at a time – lost her temper with the child, Maeve Sheppard. She was suffering from a tummy bug. Maeve's mother said "We have had our first-born child taken away from us by a person we considered professional...we regret handing our child over to Keran. "
11.11.07 Fifty-two year old paedophile Head Teacher Peter Boasman has been sentenced to just two years jail for the sexual abuse of an eight year old girl.
Her parent's say it is disgraceful and that he will only serve nine months before being freed on licence. Boasman pleaded guilty at Snaresbrook Crown Court to two counts of sexual assault of the girl. It emerged after the trial that Boasman - who has a daughter of his own from a previous relationship - had been investigated by police on another ocasion for his behavior towards another girl aged eleven.
No action had been taken by police at that time. Parents of the eight year old abused child are furious that he wasn't monitored after that event.
10.11.07 A GP was found negligent in failing to diagnose breast cancer in a young woman who later died. Dr Sarah Tottle was a newly qualified locum doctor in Portsmouth, Hampshire in 2000 when she told 32 year old Sharon Adshead that a lump in her breast was benign. Mrs Adshead was finally diagnosed 15 months later but died of the disease aged 35 leaving her son Logan, now aged six. Dr Tottle, who now works in Australia, was ruled to have failed in her duty towards Mrs Adshead and her husband were awarded £325,000 damages plus costs.
10.11.07 In Carlisle's Cumberland hospital, a recovering cancer patient died after starving of food when a feeding tube was inserted wrongly. The tube was put into 66 year old Roy Hodgson by a nurse because no doctor was available but she missed his stomach.
10.11.07 A GP was found negligent in failing to diagnose breast cancer in a young woman who later died. Dr Sarah Tottle was a newly qualified locum doctor in Portsmouth, Hampshire in 2000 when she told 32 year old Sharon Adshead that a lump in her breast was benign. Mrs Adshead was finally diagnosed 15 months later but died of the disease aged 35 leaving her son Logan, now aged six. Dr Tottle, who now works in Australia, was ruled to have failed in her duty towards Mrs Adshead and her husband were awarded £325,000 damages plus costs.
10.11.07 In Carlisle's Cumberland hospital, a recovering cancer patient died after starving of food when a feeding tube was inserted wrongly. The tube was put into 66 year old Roy Hodgson by a nurse because no doctor was available but she missed his stomach.
Roy was unable to speak but did write notes saying that he was hungry and thirsty. A scan was then done but the consultant missed the problem. Pub landlord Roy died of peritonitis caused by food leaking into his body. The Cumbrian family are suing the hospital. 
09.11.07 Pervert William Manahan, an 80 year old former monastry abbot has been jailed for 15 months for abusing boys aged from seven to thirteen.
He was Prior of the Benedictine Buckfast Abbey in South Devon. He had admitted to six charges at Exeter Crown Court.

09.11.07 Pervert William Manahan, an 80 year old former monastry abbot has been jailed for 15 months for abusing boys aged from seven to thirteen.
He was Prior of the Benedictine Buckfast Abbey in South Devon. He had admitted to six charges at Exeter Crown Court.
Gilbert Deya, a preacher who offered to give couples "miracle babies" is set to be extradited to Kenya on child kidnap charges. Self styled bishop Deya runs his 34,000 member ministry from Peckham, London, and is accused of harbouring stolen children at his Kenya home.
He has churches in Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester.
09.11.07 Married 44 year old David Lee, Town Mayor of Chelmsford, Essex, has quit his post in shame after child porn images were found on his council laptop. He has also resigned as a Tory counciller after police launched an investigation. IT experts alerted cops after sexually explicit images were found on his computer.
08.11.07 Teacher and Football League referee Gary Lewis, aged 33, of Haddenham, Cambridgeshire, appeared at Cambridge Crown Court and admitted emailing explicit images to a boy of 14.
09.11.07 Married 44 year old David Lee, Town Mayor of Chelmsford, Essex, has quit his post in shame after child porn images were found on his council laptop. He has also resigned as a Tory counciller after police launched an investigation. IT experts alerted cops after sexually explicit images were found on his computer.
08.11.07 Teacher and Football League referee Gary Lewis, aged 33, of Haddenham, Cambridgeshire, appeared at Cambridge Crown Court and admitted emailing explicit images to a boy of 14.
He was given a community order.
Watch this space.
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