Runaway Crime Wave.
The country's burgeoning runaway crime wave. For what it's worth, here is what I think.
How can we hope to stamp out burglary and housebreaking when the thieves make much more money from their ill-gotten gains than is dished out to them by the courts in the way of damages and fines?
How can we hope to get criminal drivers to mend their ways and pay their dues when the courts persistantly go easy on the dodgers. A two hundred pound fine for driving an untaxed, uninsured and unroadworthy car while disqualified just does not equate with the total cost - which can run into thousands of pounds - levied on and paid for by the law-abiding motorist.
How can we hope to tackle the growing drug problem when the taking of drugs is so obviously condoned by the so-called upper echelon in society? Hardly a day goes by without hearing news of some celebrity or other making hay with the weed, shovelling coke or erring with heroin.
These people should set finer example from their loftier position.
How can we hope to stamp out the sordid paedophilia users and abusers in society when we read that many of those involved are MP's, judges, policemen, doctors, teachers and even so-called men of God!?
I say again; these people should be setting a good example.We should ALL be prepared to clean up our act and try to improve society.
If we were ALL prepared to go that extra yard in helping our children achieve their full nine yards, then I believe we could have our runaway crime shame licked.
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