What is it about publicans
that makes them willing to scam their customers at every opportunity?
I called in a town centre pub (which shall remain nameless) for a lunchtime drink.
Because I had the car with me I chose to have a pint of bitter shandy.
It was duly served up in a pint glass and I was charged £2.60
I queried this as it seemed a little steep for a 50-50 beer and lemonade mix. The barmaid told me that they had to charge for a shandy at the full price of a pint of beer by order of the management.
I shrugged, took my pint and sat drinking and thinking.
Amost to the bottom of the 1 pint glass I left it on the table, approached the bar and ordered a half of beer.
Then I ordered a glass of lemonade (1/2 pint). The total for the two drinks came to £1.98 a total saving of 62p!
Back at my table I decanted them both into my pint glass. Job done.
I ask you, where is the sense in this attitude to we customers. There must surely have been MORE labour involved in serving me the second time around in two separate glasses so why was it money saving for me?
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