EverythinK and AnythinK
It really annoys me when I hear the English language being mangled.
The biggest culprits being we native Brits.
Vernacular is one thing but some pronunciation has crept into use throughout the UK and is even used by BBC presenters.
The ones that get to me most are the everythinK and anythinK brigade.
Do these verbal manglers ever write these words down? If they do write these words, how do they spell them?
Syntax and grammar also go by the board. In my local pub the other night I heard some guy ask of his mate:
"Can you borrow me a tenner Jack? I've come without my wallet."
I couldn't resist correcting him (he is smaller than me). "Can you LEND me a tenner!" I proffered.
In all seriousness the guy replied: "I've just asked to lend a tenner, he can't borrow you one as well!"
SomethinK told me I was on a hidinK to nothinK.
Another mangle concerns the misuse of the word "Alternative"(OED: the other of two choices) yet again it is often wrongly used by the media as in: "There are a number of alternatives...."
Don't these people realise that there should only ever be "THE alternative" and that it should not be pluralized?
Why can't they use "options" or make a "selection" from "a number" of other "choices" instead?
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