Why should I, or anyone, feel the need to tip?
Why do we perpetuate the ridiculous habit of tipping for even the most minor of services rendered. The cab driver takes me a couple of hundred yards down the road. He charges me an exorbitant fare for this small service and then expects a not inconsiderable bonus.
And yet when I use the bus or train I'm not expected to tip the driver, or the guard.
The waitress serves us with a buttered scone and a cup of coffee and foresees being put through college with the expected tips and yet when I call at the local chippy for my fish and chip supper I do so, safe in the knowledge that gratuities won't be expected of me.
My hairdresser expects to be tipped but my doctor doesn't and nor does my dentist or optician.
My milkman, paperboy and the dustmen expect a tip at Christmas but the staff who serve me in shop, post office or bank do not and neither do my gas or electricity meter readers.
I might feel tipping the postman is the right thing to do but why not the person who pushes the free paper through my letterbox?
As for hotels, they are a minefield:
Bellboy, tip!
Chambermaid, tip!
Waiter, tip!
Wine waiter?
Doorman !?
Why do we have to have tipping at all? To my way of thinking we are subsidising the stingy payment system of the rich businessmen who rely on their workers getting a percentage of their wages in perquisite form.
I am concerned that we - the paying public - are in effect double-lining the pockets of fat cat business men so that they can afford to live in abundant luxury whilst people like me, you and the waitress, chef or chambermaid cannot afford to do so. We do not deserve this.
Take a tip from me and front the buggers out. Unless your life is threatened, keep your hand on your ha'penny and your change in your pocket. If we all did the same there wouldn't be any mean sods for the waiters to moan about and these "lower paid workers" would get a better rate of pay.
Why do we perpetuate the ridiculous habit of tipping for even the most minor of services rendered. The cab driver takes me a couple of hundred yards down the road. He charges me an exorbitant fare for this small service and then expects a not inconsiderable bonus.
And yet when I use the bus or train I'm not expected to tip the driver, or the guard.
The waitress serves us with a buttered scone and a cup of coffee and foresees being put through college with the expected tips and yet when I call at the local chippy for my fish and chip supper I do so, safe in the knowledge that gratuities won't be expected of me.
My hairdresser expects to be tipped but my doctor doesn't and nor does my dentist or optician.
My milkman, paperboy and the dustmen expect a tip at Christmas but the staff who serve me in shop, post office or bank do not and neither do my gas or electricity meter readers.
I might feel tipping the postman is the right thing to do but why not the person who pushes the free paper through my letterbox?
As for hotels, they are a minefield:
Bellboy, tip!
Chambermaid, tip!
Waiter, tip!
Wine waiter?
Doorman !?
Why do we have to have tipping at all? To my way of thinking we are subsidising the stingy payment system of the rich businessmen who rely on their workers getting a percentage of their wages in perquisite form.
I am concerned that we - the paying public - are in effect double-lining the pockets of fat cat business men so that they can afford to live in abundant luxury whilst people like me, you and the waitress, chef or chambermaid cannot afford to do so. We do not deserve this.
Take a tip from me and front the buggers out. Unless your life is threatened, keep your hand on your ha'penny and your change in your pocket. If we all did the same there wouldn't be any mean sods for the waiters to moan about and these "lower paid workers" would get a better rate of pay.
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