She Has It Coming!
My wife and I married very young. We were so in love that we couldn't bear to be apart. But of course the novelty soon began to wane. The marriage began to come apart at the seams and I considered divorce. The financial cost though, would have crippled me so I thought about other options.
With due considerations over I plumped for murder. But how could I carry out such a dastardly deed without being found out?
I considered a contrived accident, faked suicide and even framing someone else, but each time I found a flaw in my plans. And then it struck me! How simple!
Eureka!! Why hadn't I thought of it before!? I'd LOVE her to death!
So I started that very same afternoon. I took her on the kitchen table. Then, half an hour later we made love again in the bedroom. Later that evening we were in bed quite early and we were at it again.
And again in the early hours of the morning. Ever since then I've made sure that I give her a good seeing to whenever we have the opportunity.
This "murder" started forty odd years ago and she still doesn't realise how close she is to meeting her maker!*
Mind you, what with my heart problems and high blood pressure, it's more like a suicide attempt now.
*See Faith and Godalmighty!
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